Why Outplacement?
Embrace change as an opportunity
The good old times in which careers proceeded in lifelong regulated paths are gone. Today flexibility and mobility are as self-evident as privatization and economization . But was really everything better in former times?
The good news: Very few layoffs are in any way related to personal performance. Accordingly, the dismissal must be understood not as the end but as a new beginning. Every change provides new opportunities. This is where the Outplacement consulting begins. It provides a sustained and targeted repositioning of those affected in the labor market.
Best Placement is bsiness partner of Career Partners International (CPI
Eye-to-eye consulting
"Usually has, when two divorced, one to suffer somewhat more"- this quote from Wilhelm Busch illustrates how redundancies proceed and it takes the words right out of the mouth of those, who are about to lose their jobs. We ar e well aware of the fact that before change takes place, people feel insecure of how things will continue. We suppo rt you in this situation, so it is not a crisis, but a real opportunity for a new professional perspective and shaping the future: With confidence, loyalty and professionalism.
Even the employer profits from Outplacement consulting. Panic and resistance by those affected up to judicial procee dings at the labor court, loss of reputation both internally and externally –all that can be avoided by systematic and integrated communication. More and more corporations use our outplacement consultancy as an instrument of social responsibility.
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Our Philosophie
Time is essential-that's why we take time for you.
Quality assurance
Honest, professional, competent, sustainable...