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Consulting content

Our consulting approach

Each of the consulting phases presented can be booked as a complete package or individually.

Consulting content


Best Placement is a Business Partner of Career Partners International (CPI

Anker 1

The planning of the contents of the respective executive coaching process and its implementation is decisively important for the success of the coaching.
To achieve the planned results it is necessary to analyze in great detail, what the consultancy order precisely is about. Is the focus on 

  • General personality development 

  • Personality development for the purpose of a successful takeover of a certain position or task

  • Personality development, which aims at fulfilling an already present position or task even more successfully?

The clear definition of the consultancy assignment is crucial in order to mutually decide on the contents and the most appropriate coach for the respective task.

Anker 2

At the starting point of the Executive Coaching process we do not only focus on the comprehensive
construction of a character profile of the coachee, but also particularly on the recording of the company
structures and the detailed formulation of a position profile, which the coachee needs to fill.

How do we perform our diagnostics?

  • To create a character profile, e.g. we make use of personal interviews, strength- and weakness analysis,
    self-image and how one is perceived by others, formulation of key achievements, requests and
    conceptions, but also of…

  • Test procedures like the 16PF-R personality test, the Myer Briggs personality assessment and the
    Leadership Effective Analysis (LEA) of the Management Research Group. The DISG personality
    profile can be a helpful instrument for diagnostics as well. But the Executive himself decides which
    test he wants to attend.

  • Counseling interviews with psychologists and coaches can take place (in parallel to the regular
    coaching) to complete the sound diagnosis of the Executive’s personality.

  • Additionally, further discussions with the supervisor or colleagues are helpful in some cases.

Anker 3

During the Best.Placement Executive Coaching Process, feedback can be provided on two different levels:

  • The comprehensive analysis of the diagnostics-results can be introduced in a presentation in the
    framework of a workshop, if desired. But it is usually communicated during a private conversation
    between executive and coach.

  • Furthermore a detailed analysis of the results can already take place in this feedback phase. This
    requires regular private conversations with the coach.

Action plan
Anker 4

This is where the different development and learning opportunities are illustrated, which have been worked
out during the diagnostics-process and which have been communicated to the executive.

The objective is to set up an action plan, which determines individual, verifiable, activity-orientated and
realistic tasks within a specific time frame (=SMART- Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time
bound). In the same scope, strategy and business plans, the specific circumstances in the corporate and
personal environment and possible uncertainty factors, are being considered.

Anker 5

In the Best.Placement Executive Coaching Process, cross-linking has the meaning of establishing a link
between objectives, feedback and action plan, to improve general leadership performance and to align the
company´s operating results to self-development of the executive who is being coached.

This process can take place on two different levels:

  • Cross-linking with the supervisor: A personal exchange with the supervisor ensures that the targeted
    self-development of the coachee complies with the supervisor´s expectations. Usually this happens in
    the framework of a confidential conversation between coachee and supervisor, or a group conversation
    with the coach. Optionally a responsible from the human resources management can join the meeting.

  • Cross-linking with the employees in “key positions”(for example executives at equal level, employees
    of the respective executive or other employees in crucial functions within the company):
    Personal exchange with employees in “key positions” ensures that all involved parties are informed on
    the planned developments and will support them as well as the action plan. Generally this is done in
    the framework of a group meeting. The presence of the coach at such group meetings and individual
    one-to-one meetings are also possible.

Anker 6

Implementation in the Best.Placement Executive Coaching process means that the elaborated action plan should be considered a central management task.
At this stage of the coaching process, the c oach will:

  • Monitor the implementation of the action plan and provide all involved parties with advice or support,
    if needed.

  • Ensure the effectiveness of the particular actions through a dialogue with the coachee, the supervisor,
    the human resources management and the personnel in key positions.

  • Support the formal elaboration of a consecutive or new action plan.

Evaluation - further development
Anker 7

In the context of the Best.Placement Executive Coaching process, evaluation means a performance review
regarding the further development and if necessary the continuation of the successful coaching process.

The Coachee´s new starting position is being assessed and checked against the previously defined targets sot
that the success of the process can be controlled. In some cases a new coaching process may result out of this
check, for example due to changing tasks. 


Each of the presented consulting services can be booked separately or as complete package.



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