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Outplacement: consulting process

Separations are part of our lives and frequently necessary steps towards further future developments.

Every outplacement process is different. Thus, each consulting process evolves as individually as the person we accompany. But the following applies to all: the earlier people make use of our consultancy services, the more rapidly the individual can be repositioned at the job market. And that’s how we usually proceed:


Best Placement is business partner of Career Partners International (CPI

Preparation and placement - keeping one´s nerves

The sum of many snowflakes can rapidly result in a snow slide. When a dismissal is under discussion a fatal emotional chain reaction follows in most cases. The working atmosphere proves to be rather difficult and almost unbearable for all parties involved: the persons considered, the colleagues and the supervisors.

We know what bothers executives at the turning points of their careers. This tense situation can be dissolved right at the beginning of the consulting process, when an experienced senior consultant and the affected executive reflect eye-to-eye the opportunities for a new professional perspective.

Our consultants have sound market- and branch knowledge. They enable us to analyse and provide a differentiated view on our objectives, and on the market and the competition. Executives benefit from the experience, which our consultants have collected in executive positions. They know the relevant questions and issues and use our broad network of business contacts for repositioning. Furthermore, we offer management-diagnostic-consulting, business choreography and leadership training, if required.

Mobilize all forces

For the dismissed person the whole world changes. The consequences of this process are four phases of diverse and fierce emotions. The stage of shock is often followed by disappointment, anger and rage. We support and reassure the persons aggrieved, so that they gain clarity and new perspectives as soon as possible.

Individual assessment and review of situation

The personal performance might be changing, but the value of a person remains constant. Insofar also the dismissal by your employer should not be considered defacement, but a change of circumstances. You have to seek for new professional challenges. Only somebody who knows his skills and is able to accept failings can build on the strengths revealed. On which competences, experiences, achievements and qualifications can I look back? A detailed and substantiated strength-weakness profile forms the basis for a realistic
assessment of potential career perspectives.

Individual orientation- where are you heading?

»As soon as the spirit is directed at a goal, much comes to meet it”«
(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Decisions presuppose objectives and vice versa. Therefore a strategy plan needs to be developed. Which
position or role do I want, where and when? In which professional environment do I want to work? With
whom do I like to have contact? All these are components in fulfilling a vision – your vision. You should not
consider your vision a phantasm but a lodestar you could follow. Based on these principles we take into
consideration potential target firms and positions: Which vocational field and which alternatives are suitable?

Application strategies- the Art of self-expression

The devil is in the details: today personnel consultants and companies are very thorough when deciding on a suitable candidate. Therefore form and content of an application must be coherent- from the documents, through the photo, up to the interview. Professional application training provi des the necessary security for a convincing self-expression- even if delicate questions are posed. Apart from the technical information, we focus on correct behavior, facial expressions, gestures and the effective use of the voice. And who estimates the expectable salary realistically, w ill neither sell herself/ himself short nor give the impression of being too demanding.

Repositioning: Am I on the right track?

With the new job opportunities, comes the agony of choice. Which position is the right one? We analyse the possible work commitments very thoroughly, then jointly make a first selection and finally take the definite decision. Also the new employment contract needs to be arranged carefully and precisely up to the fine print.

Onboarding- Welcome on board!

A new job, a new life- Let´s get down to business.
What issues is the candidate supposed to deal with ?
With a broad preparation for the new position the can didate is ideally equipped. Already the first day is comparable to a baptism of fire: Unfamiliar names and faces, new paths and possibilities, unknown targets, new channels of communication, identification of key staff and executives, expectations of different hierarchy levels, power structures and several organizational challenges have to be faced. An efficient orientation coaching makes sure that our client successfully passes his probation period. We continue supporting you intensively for the first twelve months. By the way: Every job change is accompanied by acquisition of new expertise, new contacts and even new self-confidence. You can rely on know-how and experience gathered in your former working life, from which you will benefit at your future workplace. Also this potential makes you attractive for your future employer.



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